Systems & Design

Customised Integration Solutions

Pick Packers Develops Custom Systems For Every Client

Advanced Carrier Selection

Advanced Carrier Selection


Our custom developed Freight Management System (FMS) integrates with all major freight carriers



Every order placed in our system is scanned by our FMS to compare the freight cost of all our freight partners


Achieve the best shipping cost for each individual with the best carrier, everytime

System Capabilities

System Capabilities


Pick Packers customised system integrations will adapt and create any system solution your business needs



Automate your entire online, EDI and retail sales along with direct integrations into all major systems


Edit, amend, delete, confirm and update your orders directly in our system

Pick & Pack Services

Pick & Pack Services


Using high-end technology scanners, you can be sure that our service will always be accurate and on time



Offering advanced Pick Packing services that promote growth, accuracy and cost efficiency


We caters for all kinds of businesses and adapt your needs in every situation

Service Guarantee*

Pick Packers offers a 100% Service Guarantee* on our pick and pack services. We offer peace of mind that every order will be shipped correctly every time, or its FREE*. Our systems, processes and infrastructure allows us to guarantee your satisfaction and we prove this with no set contract terms. Stay as little or as long as you like









Pick Packers uses and Recommends StarShipIt

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    Integrate with different platforms

    eCommerce Integration

    Our highly skilled team and exceptional vendor network provides all Pick Packers clients access to the most advanced e-commerce services available. Custom built integrations, Customised operations and Advanced online solutions are just part of what we do

    Why Choose Us?

    E-Commerce & Online Solution Specialists

    Our highly skilled team and exceptional vendor network provides all Pick Packers clients access to the most advanced e-commerce services available. Custom built integrations, Customised operations and Advanced online solutions are just part of what we do


    What clients think about us?